{Talent Of The Month} Gabriela Martins


What to say about Gabhi? She’s one of my closest friends, kind of like a big sister to me.
But before she became this, she first was an author I loved. I think it was about 4 or 5 years ago? Boy it’s been so long, I feel old. Anyway.
I stumbled accross her words on tumblr. And guys. Her work was (still is) incredible. Original, on point, the characters were amazing (Jack my love).

Then we lost touch. I was still following her newsletter though. Until one day something caught my eyes. Gabhi was getting published. My Gabhi, that I’ve been following for so long.A short story in A Heart Well Traveled. 
So I tweeted her, and we reconnected and became friends again.

Since then, she published a few other things. A book full of short stories by amazing authors, Momentum. Two books on gumroad.com. She’s also currently working on a series called Elena Translates The World.
Elena is a demigirl, a teenager figuring herself out, launching a gay straight alliance club at her school.
Gabhi published two parts on her patreon so far, and I know this story will be so important.
Her patreon is full of prompt to encourage people who wants to try and write, short stories, and just inspiring words by her.

I can safely say that she is one of my favorite writers. I would say that too if she wasn’t my friend. She’s inspiring, and a real fighter. She never gives up, and only work and work and work, until it her writing is the best that it can be.

If you wanna check out her work, here it is.
You can also become a patreon here!

I hope you’ll like her as much as I do.

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